
Is Silk ready for FreeCAD 1.0 Release ?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Not yet.

Three phases needed:
-a sizable update to complete under 0.2x
-1.0RC testing (not started yet - i can't afford to lose my config files right now...so i must finish the the 0.2x update first)
-light and dark mode issues

If a Silk user could test under RC1.0, that'd be great...but i'll still have to follow the workflow above.

Any Silk users come to mind that you can ping ?

Eventually i might, but i struggle to find any time to work on Silk these days...i really need to focus on the update itself.

Honestly....if you could just load the WB and confirm it doesn't make FreeCAD hang that would be a great first step :)

The workbench loads and FreeCAD still works. Not sure on how to use this WB yet, just starting on CAD/CAM.

Thanks pixelwaster!