Wave2Vec2 Sprint HuggingFace

Huggingfaces released a model for facebooks fairseqs Wave2Vec2 for low resource speech recognition(sound 2 text). The following was my attempt to finetune and train on the malay language and there are several other repositories doing this but i thought why not try and fine tune for the sprint.

The langauge i was attempting is in bahasa malaysia (Malay). The other is a special form of english here in Malaysia (Manglish). So far the attempted finetuning method is Malay. Will attempt to gather more data on manglish


  • (30/3/2021) : Training Failed, Need to debug
  • (30/3/2021: 4:00pm) : Fix logging step and added evaluation step, change new data inputs and fix data gathering methods


  • (30/3/2021): Word Error Rate is 1 (need to debug reasons for high error rate)


  • Gather Data
  • EDA
  • Preprocesing
  • Train Wave2Vec2 model
  • Inference Script
  • Evaluate model
  • Upload model to huggingface hub