
Bug in na.locf() example

Closed this issue · 1 comments

An upcoming change in xts causes the last example in na.Rd to fail. The problem is that "2003:2005" is not a valid xts-ISO8601 range; it should be "2003::2005" or "2003/2005".

Prior to the upcoming xts_0.11-0, an invalid xts-ISO8601 range would return all rows. It now returns no data with a warning, which causes the example to error.

rural = STFDF(stations, dates, data.frame(PM10 = as.vector(air)))
# fill NA's with last non-NA
r = na.locf(rural)
# sample (NOT aggregate) to monthly:
m = seq(start(rural), end(rural), "1 month")
stplot(na.approx(rural[1:20,"2003:2005"], xout = m), mode = 'ts')
#  Warning in .parseISO8601(ii, .index(x)[1], .index(x)[nr], tz = tz) :
#    cannot determine first and last time from 2003:2005/2003:2005
#  Error in matrix(v, nr, nc)[s, t] : subscript out of bounds
#  Calls: stplot ... .class1 -> [ -> [ -> data.frame -> lapply -> FUN -> as.vector
#  Execution halted

I may change the behavior so it returns all rows with a warning, and a note that future versions will return no data. That will delay when the change will begin to break existing code.

edzer commented

Thanks @joshuaulrich ! I will submit this to CRAN.