
Add a header

github-learning-lab opened this issue · 0 comments

Step 6: Add a header

Take a peek at your shiny new web page! It can be found at:

Headers create prominent text in the body of your web page. Headers come in different levels. For example, a header 1, or h1, is the largest, while a header 3, or h3, is smaller, and a header 6, or h6, smaller still. You can create headers in html using the h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 tags. Here's an example:

<h1>I'm a header 1!</h1>

⌨️ Create a header for your web page

  1. Edit the index.html file in your master branch by using this direct link or going to the Code tab, clicking on the index.html file, clicking the pencil 📝 to edit the HTML.
  2. Between the body tags, add an opening <h1> tag, some content for the header, and a closing </h1> tag.
  3. In the Commit changes section, enter a commit message that describes what you've done.
  4. Ensure you've selected Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
  5. Give your branch a descriptive name, like add-headers-and-images.
  6. Click on Propose file change.
  7. Give your pull request a title, and a comment.
  8. Click on Create pull request.

Look for my next response in your pull request