
Coremark use 2 fewer list items than it can

ScriptDevil opened this issue · 0 comments

In core_list_init, we use

list_head *core_list_init(ee_u32 blksize, list_head *memblock, ee_s16 seed) {
	/* calculated pointers for the list */
	ee_u32 per_item=16+sizeof(struct list_data_s);
	ee_u32 size=(blksize/per_item)-2; /* to accomodate systems with 64b pointers, and make sure same code is executed, set max list elements */
	list_head *memblock_end=memblock+size;
	list_data *datablock=(list_data *)(memblock_end);
	list_data *datablock_end=datablock+size;

IIUC, per_item is calculated as 16B for list_head + sizeof struct list_data_s. size = capacity - 2 to provide space for head and tail; However, the value of size being used to compute memblock_end means we can only store capacity-2 elements even including head and tail; This also means the last 2 loop iterations of the code below would silently discard the data since we would be past memblock_end when inserting

	/* create a fake items for the list head and tail */
	/* then insert size items */
	for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
		ee_u16 datpat=((ee_u16)(seed^i) & 0xf);
		ee_u16 dat=(datpat<<3) | (i&0x7); /* alternate between algorithms */
		info.data16=(dat<<8) | dat;		/* fill the data with actual data and upper bits with rebuild value */

This isn't a functional bug since core_list_insert_new is robust to the two drops and we don't use the pointer returned by that function in list_init.

I don't understand if this is actually intentional. However, I thought I should bring it up just in case my understanding was incorrect.