
I think my setup sometimes has a double render error

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route A/
route A.B /
route A.B.C /

each of those routes calls to-elsewhere with the same name, and this might be causing

Assertion Failed: You modified "service.actives" twice on <aeonvera@service:ember-elsewhere::ember853> in a single render. It was rendered in "component:from-elsewhere" and modified in "component:paper-sidenav-container". This was unreliable and slow in Ember 1.x and is no longer supported. See https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/13948 for more details.

my from-elsewhere looks like this:

  {{#if showSidebar}}
    {{#paper-sidenav open=leftBarOpen class='md-whiteframe-z2' onToggle=(action (mut leftBarOpen))}}
      {{from-elsewhere name='left-side-bar'}}

and each of my to-elsewhere's look something like this:

{{to-elsewhere named='left-side-bar'
  send=(component 'app-nav/event-registration-edit-sidebar'

does anything obviously stick out as bad?