

Closed this issue · 1 comments

As a developer
I want to easily create context-structures and add behaviours on the commandline
So that I dont have to write all the boilerplate myself

Implement as a executable script eventric

All generated code is JavaScript by default. Adding the --coffee trigger should generate CoffeeScript instead.

eventric context create Todo

generates context-folder with some files in it:

eventric behaviour add Adding a Todo

  • Commands? AddTodo
  • DomainEvents? TodoAdded


  • entry in > ./context/todo/command_handlers.js + spec + dgeni/jsdocs
  • entry in ./context/todo/domain_event_definitions.js + spec + dgeni/jsdocs

eventric behaviour list

looks up generated dgeni json (so code from the ui with correct jsdoc can show up here too)