Authorization PHP package for Laravel 4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3
- 2
this is a bug!
#37 opened by Yahasana - 1
- 7
[2.1] High memory usage
#33 opened by szyzak - 9
Laravel 5.2 Exception Macroable.php line 81: Method filter does not exist.
#32 opened by psdtohtmlcloud - 0
#1 opened by tortuetorche - 6
- 3
- 2
- 4
L5: When using the config cache: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Closure::__set_state()
#27 opened by d-a-n - 14
- 1
Mimic "pages ownership, publishing, ..."
#26 opened by cgrisar - 1
error adding authority-controller
#25 opened by smicroz - 3
Tag new release
#24 opened by RomainLanz - 1
- 22
Authorizing controller actions are not working
#22 opened by giwrgos88 - 1
Update to stayallive/authority-l5 to 2.4.2
#20 opened by TUNER88 - 3
Can't require package
#19 opened by gerob - 2
The requested package efficiently/authority-controller could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
#18 opened by giwrgos88 - 8
Laravel 5??
#17 opened by jccpdev - 1
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Efficiently\AuthorityController\AuthorityControllerServiceProvider' not found
#16 opened by neerajrepo1 - 22
Authority bypassed in tests
#14 opened by arthurkirkosa - 1
Comparison with authority-l4
#15 opened by Kryptonit3-zz - 3
Conditional Authorization
#12 opened by kevinklika - 3
Query String
#13 opened by arthurkirkosa - 2
Problem when using nonstandard ID field
#11 opened by arne-s - 1
not compatible with php 5.3.23
#10 opened by Phaoris - 7
Controller actions without resource
#9 opened - 13
Using different model besides "User"
#8 opened by riemers - 4
Issue with BaseController
#7 opened by BobbyBorisov - 4
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Laravel 4.1 Support
#3 opened by dipsynl - 10
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