evaluate use of patch-mode adding in 3-way-merge exercise
JKrag opened this issue · 3 comments
The current description for 3-way-merge introduces git add -p (patch mode).
We should evaluate if there is a really good point in doing so, otherwise I feel that it is an advanced topic that does not really fit this introductory exercise.
I have been on the brink of removing it several times, but always end up doubting why it is there in the first place. Maybe this is just a historic remnant, as it was included in the first version by @meekrosoft , probably reused from somewhere else.
Since no one has complained since January, I will now go ahead and remove the reference to patch mode add, as it keeps causing unnecessary confusion during training.
Yes, it is a relic. From the early days, I wanted the students to actually "see" what was getting added to the index. Those that came other version control systems were used to adding every change to a commit, so I wanted to show them that you can become more conscious of the process early. But I agree, it might be too early to do this.
Thanks for the feedback @meekrosoft . I merged the PR (from my phone) shortly after your comment.