
Override default config

Tattoo opened this issue · 5 comments

Currently, Oxygen knows what handlers are available through the config.yml file located within the project.

Devise a way for user to give their own config file. Consider following things:

  • Since config is always used when Oxygen runs, it would be nice if you could override config.yml once permanently
  • Lesser concern is being able to override default config once
  • Should it be part of CLI? Consider how it would make most sense given the other CLI arguments are arbitrary
    • eg. python -m oxygen --config myconfig.yml arbitaryhandler --config arbitaryconfig.yml is messy
Tattoo commented

An idea

  • We provide --add-config, --clear-config, and --print-config
    • --add-config would take a path to file and include that content to config.yml
    • --clear-config would copy config.yml over with golden_config.yml that is part of the installation
    • --print-config would pretty-print the current content of config.yml
  • If we want to also offer library keywords for these, they should probably be part of OxygenCore (but then again, the current config logic is already there)


  • This is nicer than what is described in the OG description
    • The problem with forcing end user to give it all the time is that once a user has single custom handler, then they will always need to give the argument => constant extra work


  • "What my config even is?"

When you say --add-config is included, do you mean that it updates base config on a key-by-key basis or just replaces it altogether? The former could be more powerful but unless there's real use cases for it, the simplicity/predictably of a clean replace would probably be preferred.

As for the other two, my questions are:

  • In which case would we need to explicitly declare --clear-config, or could that be implicit by not specifying a config at all? Or do you mean that the user is able to maintain their own template in a known path, as well?
  • Does --print-config need to be explicit, or would it be better to log that by default unless a --quiet or similar is passed to Oxygen?

As for using a hybrid library, I think it could make the design neater if we used a hybrid approach for both Oxygen and the sub-libraries (which would avoid things like using getattr to run functions, something that feels just a little off) but then the concern remains the development experience for the end user.

Tattoo commented

my idea was that --add-config would be pure append:

# config.yml
    foo: bar
# my_config.yml
    foo: baz
    cux: corgi
$ python -m oxygen --add-config my_config.yml

will result in:

# config.yml

    foo: bar
    foo: baz
    cux: corgi

I already checked that if multiple same keys are given, only the last one will be in effect when parsed (in the other words, my_config.foo == 'baz')

The other ideas are nice as well, they solve the problem of polluting the CLI

Tattoo commented

Talked yesterday with @kjkaizens who pointed out that the config could be validated (valid yaml, can import handlers) everytime config is touched. This should lessen the confusion around appending

Tattoo commented

In which case would we need to explicitly declare --clear-config, or could that be implicit by not specifying a config at all? Or do you mean that the user is able to maintain their own template in a known path, as well?

Regarding this, after a bit of experimentation it's clear we need config reset to be separate, explicit option. In a case where --add-config would be called on command line where the value is coming from a variable:

$ python -m oxygen --add-config ${MY_CONFIG}

If then the env var is not defined then it evaluates to empty string, the call is in fact:

$ python -m oxygen --add-config

and you would, instead of adding, resetting your config -- super confusing.