Rabeya's Food and Fitness Center is Country's First ever Complex site where anyone can get nutritionist help along healthy food diet.
- Homepage (5 sections minimum)
- Top Banner
- Products
- Service Review
- Recent Projects/ Top Selling Product
- Review
- Footer
- If User logged in or click “Buy Now” it will redirect to product details and later to product/ service detail page and if user not logged in it will take user to log in page, after login, user will be taken to details page. (Firebase Authentication)
- After details user will be able to buy or remove the product. After buy user will give name, address, phone number and product name and price will be saved to MongoDB server. Payment will be received through credit card. (Stripe Payment Gateway)
After Login -> User and Admin Both will be able to view Dashboard where the dashboard will be different for both user and admin.
- User will be able to check order
- User can add review which will be dynamically added to the UI
- Admin can see all the orders
- Admin can add new people to the admin database
- Admin can add new Product which will be added to the UI dynamically
- Admin can have CRUD operations i.e. Create New Product, remove product from the database if unavailable, also read all the products which will be loaded in the UI.
- If possible, I will add animation to the UI
- Mostly I will make the UI Responsive
- Frontend: React JS, Bootstrap or any other framework like Material UI, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Node JS, Express JS
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: Firebase