Agree on a license on the code
Closed this issue · 2 comments
We should decide on a license for all the code that is written for Kost project. This can be an open source license, or a private license that grants ownership to all members of the project with terms.
I have a proposal:
All the code written for Kost app up until the final submission for the class CSE 437S is owned by the 4 members of this group. After that, each group member may use the codebase to further develop the app for a business venture, or open source it to the public (excluding the secret credentials) by themselves or as a group.
If any of the group member decides to move forward with the idea and develop it as a product, they must give all other members who are not participating in this venture 1% equity if there is a company or 1% payment if there is a sale.
What do you think?
sounds good