
The application must be able to detect a single person in images.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When given an image the application should give back that it detects a person and where the person is found. The application should have a way of pointing out where the person is found.

The implemented method can detecta person in the image below.
[Insert the image here]
It should correctly be shown where the person is found.
Code should be tested and have 100% branch coverage

We have just gotten OpenCV to work.

After we can actually show an image (frame of video) in a simple gui we will try to implement this.

lisv commented

Detecting single persons with available libraries did not work as good as we had hoped (because they used different not-fitting training sets). However, we decided that it is not crucial to know where each person is, we just need to know when they are moving/doing something and when they are standing still. So therefore we implemented the measure of activity with background subtraction.