
feat: add customizable statusbar

Closed this issue · 2 comments

egel commented

Hearing more requests to make the theme more customizable (#21, #23) we will try to make it happen for you!

General idea:

A = left-status (should be customizable by user)
B = Current + rest of the windows

X + Y + Z = right-status (should be customizable by user)

| A | B                                 X | Y | Z |
egel commented

Simple Overview Draft

This draft is a follow up from a request about theme customization #

Proposed Customizations:

  • @tmux-gruvbox = default: dark256, (dark, light256, light, ...) - in this option user is choosing a theme
  • @tmux-gruvbox-statusbar-transparent = default: false - This option adds a transparent status bar (it tries to answer a request from #18)

The sections below are meant to be customizable for users.

  • @tmux-gruvbox-left-status-a = #S
  • @tmux-gruvbox-right-status-x = %Y-%m-%d
  • @tmux-gruvbox-right-status-y = %H:%M
  • @tmux-gruvbox-right-status-z = #h

INFO: There are some reasonable limitations on how much customizations the theme is able to provide to not make it too complex.

I tried to find a golden balance between a number of customization options (what use can change) and the simplicity of its usage. The reason for this is, the customization can easily get overcomplicated, and I try to avoid it as much as I can, keeping things stupid simple.

If you need more customization, I would recommend creating your own fork and adjust to your own needs.


egel commented

done, closing after merging release/v2.0.0