symfony webpack-encore
bogdaniel opened this issue · 5 comments
Any advice on how to load the ckeditor using webpack-encore ?
To be honest, I have no idea if CKEditor is buildable with webpack... Is there an official CKEditor doc about it?
I have give a try to your issue but unfortunatelly, it's not working:
var webpack = require('@symfony/webpack-encore');
.addEntry('app', './vendor/egeloen/ckeditor-bundle/Resources/public')
module.exports = webpack.getWebpackConfig();
Maybe someone with more knowledges in webpack can help...
@bogdaniel Have you been able to make it working? I'm interesting to put such infos in the docs :)
Closing as there is no feedback, if someone knows how to build CKEditor with webpack, share it :)
Hey guys,
I'm not using encore, but I managed to make ckeditor work with webpack. There is a CopyWebpackPlugin
for webpack, which should be configured to copy ckeditor bundle to build
plugins: [
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
{from: './web/bundles/ivoryckeditor', to: 'bundles/ivoryckeditor'}
In config.yml
ckeditor should be configured not to do autoloading :
autoload: false
and in your twig where you use ckeditor you should add script before any ckeditor field is rendered (in <head>
<script src="{{ asset('build/bundles/ivoryckeditor/ckeditor.js') }}"></script>
Hope it helps someone.