
Liquid tags?

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Is it still possible to use Liquid tags within the content of a .org file? I know you disabled them, what was the purpose of doing so?

check out #1, just make sure write the post more org-mode way..

Thanks for the prompt reply, but sorry I don't quite understand.

The below behaviour is what I am after...

#+title: Lorem ipsum
#+layout: default
#+foo: Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.

* Nulla posuere.
{{ }}
Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. 
Lorem {{ 'ipsum' | upcase }}
#+html: <div>Etiam vel tortor</div>
<h1>Nulla posuere.<h1>
<p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.</p>
<p>Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. </p>
<p>Lorem IPSUM</p>
<div>Etiam vel tortor</div>

I can of course use the "frontmatter" values in a layout template (e.g. {{ }} in default.html).

You can already use #+html: <div>Etiam vel tortor</div> within the body content and it will via org-ruby be included in the HTML rather than printed literally as <div>Etiam vel tortor</div>.

I just changed little code about liquid, you can checkout the readme about liquid in usage section.

For now you can add a `#+liquid: arbitrary, then you can use the liquid template language, but for
Lorem {{ 'ipsum' | upcase }} this case , still not works baed org-ruby export , it translate the single quote to ‘ipsum’ .

UPDATE : just quick fix this, hack and dirty way, but it's works now.

That's pretty wonderful, many thanks!