
External dart_format process is dead.

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Please supply any additional information here, e.g. the source code that caused the error:

DartFormatException(type=Error, source=Local, message=External dart_format process is dead., cause=null, line=null, column=null)
	at dev.eggnstone.plugins.jetbrains.dartformat.DartFormatException$Companion.localError(DartFormatException.kt:20)
	at dev.eggnstone.plugins.jetbrains.dartformat.DartFormatException$Companion.localError$default(DartFormatException.kt:18)
	at dev.eggnstone.plugins.jetbrains.dartformat.plugin.ExternalDartFormat.access$run(ExternalDartFormat.kt:24)
	at dev.eggnstone.plugins.jetbrains.dartformat.plugin.ExternalDartFormat$run$1.invokeSuspend(ExternalDartFormat.kt

OS: Mac OS X
Plugin version: 2.0.16
External dart_format version:

Does restarting the IDE help?

Can you send the logfiles?
dart_format*.log and dartformatplugin*.log in your temp dir.

Can you send the logfiles?
dart_format*.log and dartformatplugin*.log in your temp dir.

Please check again. I cannot see any logs.

This issue is stale because it has been open for 7 days with no activity.

@msk286 Thank you for the feedback and your kind review! Happy it finally works!