
Example Android (Kotlin) application using eggy-android SDK

Primary LanguageKotlin

eggy example Android (Kotlin) application

This is a tiny Kotlin application to demonstrate how eggy's Android SDK works.

Build steps are provided below, but for comprehensive instructions, please visit the eggy docs on push notification integration.

How to build this

  1. Make sure you have Android Studio installed.
  2. Open the hello-eggy-android-kotlin directory in Android Studio.
  3. Run the application from Android Studio.

To test this with Firebase and your real eggy account

  1. Create a Firebase project, add a google-services.json to the root of the hello-eggy-android-kotlin directory, and set your Firebase sender id in res/values/strings.xml.
  2. Make an app in the eggy console (from Apps), generate an API token, and copy the API token from your App detail page. Use this token to set apiToken in MainActivity.kt.