
build command gives error

brijeshb42 opened this issue · 3 comments

When trying to build the project, I am getting this error -

> codepan@0.0.0 build /Users/brijesh/projects/codepan
> poi build

> Running in production mode
> Using external Poi config file
> location: "~/projects/codepan/poi.config.js"
> Using external babel configuration
> location: "~/projects/codepan/.babelrc"
> Using external HTML template file
> location: "~/projects/codepan/index.ejs"
> Using main field in package.json as entry point

TypeError: config.module.noParse.add is not a function
    at extendWebpack (/Users/brijesh/projects/codepan/poi.config.js:13:8)
    at webpackFlows.forEach.flow (/Users/brijesh/projects/codepan/node_modules/poi/lib/index.js:64:43)
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at handleOptions.then.options (/Users/brijesh/projects/codepan/node_modules/poi/lib/index.js:64:27)

 FAIL  Failed to start!


Something to do with -


in poi.config.js

I guess you're using npm install instead of yarn?

There's a breaking change but it will be fine if you have a yarn.lock I think, but anyways I have to update this config to use the latest API of webpack-chain.

Yes. I am using npm.

should be fixed now.