
Hint mask shows a wrong format

DimalPerera opened this issue · 1 comments


According to my mask format, MaskedEditText hint should want to show 12345678-123456 but in hint string shows a wrong way (12345678--123456) when the application runs. It's contains 2 dash signs (12345678--123456).

< android:id="@+id/etJobName" style="@style/EditText_Style" android:layout_height="71dp" android:layout_marginTop="10dp" android:inputType="phone" android:typeface="monospace" app:allowed_chars="1234567890" app:mask="########-######" android:hint="12345678-123456" app:keep_hint="true" />

@DimalPerera change hint to android:hint="12345678123456, the mask will take care of the dash.