
Jupyter notebooks related to data science applications on demographic data using Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

DEMOG 88 Immigration: What do the data tell us?

UC Berkeley - Fall 2017

Instructor: Carl Mason

UGSI: Elias Castro Hernandez, Austen Zhu and Sierra Park


This course will cover the small but important part of the rich history human migration that deals with the population of the United States--focusing on the 20th and 21st Centuries. We will use the tools of Data Science 8 (DS*) to answer specific questions that relate to the themes of this course:

(1) Why do people migrate? (2) Is immigration good or bad for receiving (and sending) countries? (3) How do immigrants adapt and how do societies change in response?

In addition to scientific questions, this course will also address the demographic and political history of immigration in the US -- an understanding of which is crucial for understanding both the broad contours of US history and the particular situation in which we find ourselves today.

Objectives & Outcomes

This course will enhance the experience of DS8 by challenging students to use the tools of DS8 to address current questions with real data. By accessing and using much larger and messier datasets than are used in the main course, students will gain technical skills as well as confidence in their ability to use data to answer questions.

Start Here:

Python was used for all data gathering, cleaning, and modeling purposes. For ease of use, presentations and all applicable code where written within jupyter notebooks.

Each notebook is a stand-along lecture/project and are presented in no particular order.