
R crashes on writing data after 2038

eheisman opened this issue · 3 comments

Somewhere in the time conversion, there is an issue with writing data post-2038. My guess it has something to do with the POSIXct timestamps and converting them to the DSS timestamps. The error appears to occur within the DSS code.

The temporary solution is to never write data past 2038.

DSS continues to show its age...

It's not an issue with the DSS format, or DSSVue specifically. The issue only seems to occur with how I'm writing to DSS files, and the issue is major enough to crash R. The DSS format uses a different epoch than POSIX time, (31 DEC 1899 instead of 01JAN1970), and uses minutes instead of seconds to measure time. If it's a 32-bit value, it should be safe sometime in the year 10071, which sounds about right with things I've tried doing in Jython.

Not tested in 64-bit DSS which may fix this. tidyup branch removes helper functions for writing to dss files.