
Files for CS 383 - Software Engineering Pong assignment

Primary LanguageC#


CS 383 Project. The classic video game pong made in Unity.

Quick Launch

  1. Go to Pong Releases.
  2. Download the Pong_Windows.zip file from GitHub.
  3. Extract the zip file to a new folder.
  4. Double click Pong.exe to open the application.
  5. Press 'H' once launched to learn the controls.

Compiling the Code

Updating the code will require a new build. If you do not already have Unity installed see the instructions below.

  1. Go to Pong Source Code.
  2. Click the drop down menu for Code and download the zip file.
  3. Extract the contents of the zip file into a new folder.
  4. Open Unity Hub. If the Unity Hub is not installed, download it at https://store.unity.com/download.
    • Follow the installation guide to install Unity Hub.
    • Once you can start your own project you can continue this guide.
  5. Select the "Add" button to add a new project to the Unity Hub.
  6. Select the folder the zip was extracted to. This should open the Unity editor for Pong.
  7. In the top left corner select File -> Build & Run. Select the folder you wish to create the executable in.
  8. Unity will automatically compile everything into the necessary files and create one convenient Pong application file that you can click on whenever you would like to play. Pong will launch upon completion.
    • Note: Unity creates several other files and folders that must be in the same directory of the Pong application for the game to run.

Installing Unity

  1. Go to Unity's Download Page and select the Windows version, accept the Terms of Service, then click "Download Unity Hub". A 'UnityHubSetup.exe' file should be downloaded to your "Downloads" folder.
  2. Open the downloaded installer and click "I Agree" to accept the License Agreement.
  3. Choose a folder for installation then click "Install" to start the installation process.
  4. Installing Unity may take some time. After the installation is finished, Unity will be installed on your computer.
  5. Open Unity Hub, click "Installs", then "Add".
  6. Choose the 2020.3.26f1 Unity release for the Pong program.
  7. Click "Next", then choose the modules you would like to install.
  8. Click "Done" to start the Install.