
Using GitHub Pages or Wiki for content

ericvoshall opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Hey! This guide is absolutely awesome and incredibly thorough. One frustration when going through is that going from one "chapter" to the next is kind of a hassle - there's no "Next Page" or easily accessible table of contents to allow users to progress or get a sense of where they are in the entire thing.

Any thoughts on moving the content to the repo wiki, GitHub Pages, or even just a "Next Section" link at the bottom of each file?

I'd be happy to help contribute if needed!

Many thanks for your appreciation, Eric. Since I wrote the whole guide series on Visual Studio Code, I hadn't realized that issue till you've pointed out! Now, about how to solve this, the best way will be to add previous, TOC and next links right above the References section of each guide (or right at the end of the guide's content). This will be the fastest way for me, and also the most adequate, since I don't want to tie the project to the GitHub platform.

Hopefully around next week I'll have time to do the modification. Stay tuned!

Check out the most recent version (v1.2.0). I've added a Navigation section at the bottom of each guide, from which you can go to the previous or following guide, or return to the TOC.
