
Kodi Services Port Not Forwarded

danieledwardgeorgehitchcock opened this issue · 3 comments


I am new to Docker (although proficient in a Linux environment), so please excuse me if this is a daft question.

I set this container up on my Ubuntu Desktop (18.04 running Wayland) which is running the latest version of Docker.

I have added this container to my Docker stack using the below Docker Compose settings:

   image: erichough/kodi:latest
   container_name: kodi
   restart: always
    - target: 5634
      published: 5634
      protocol: tcp
      mode: host

the command that I am using to run Kodi is as follows:

x11docker --home --hostdisplay --pulseaudio --gpu --silent -- "-v /media/daniel:/media:ro" erichough/kodi

When I set Kodi to listen on port 5634 for remote control (and have "Allow control from other systems" checked), I cannot seem to be able to get a route through to the Kodi instance.

I am sure this may be trivial, but this is the last hurdle in getting my Kodi instance fully Dockerized.

Thanks in advance!


I have reviewed all of the files / scripts contained in this repository and unless I am mistaken, there is no option that exposes the port.

If I am correct, then it would make sense to expose Kodi's default service port (8080) and then have Docker route to the desired port. Either that, or have it controlled via an Environment variable..?

Have a look at #4 where different possibilities for port forwarding for PVR are discussed.
A short and simple fix may be option --hostnet. For better container isolation there are other possibilities.

Can confirm that the above appears to work.
