
Package doesn't work / show up in ST3

aaronmw opened this issue · 4 comments

I've cloned the repo to "/Packages/Wrap Plus/" and checked out the st3 branch, and restarted ST. I don't see any evidence of the package existing at all. It has no commands listed in the command window, and doesn't show up under the packages menu.

The console has one line about "reloading plugin Wrap Plus.wrap_plus" but that's it.

I'm assuming I've done something wrong along the way.

Thanks for any help!

You don't need the st3 branch. Master works on both st2 and st3.

It does not install anything in the menu. It just has one keyboard shortcut (see the keymap for your platform).

But where is the key bound, then? Usually packages get their own keymap file for defaults, and a user one for customization.

I'm not sure I understand your question. In the package, there are keymap files (like "Default (OSX).sublime-keymap") which maps super+alt+q. If you want a different keyboard shortcut, go to the menu "Preferences" then "Key Bindings - User" to set your own. This is all explained in the documentation.

Ah, sorry — I do see that now... The key command works, though anything with "q" in it scares me... Would you be willing to consider adding the command to the command window somehow? I think it'd be more intuitive (or at least extra helpful) to expose the command in the CMD+P command window. I could select text or place my cursor in a paragraph and then just CMD+P, "Wrap Plus: Wrap Lines", and voila.

Sorry for the runabout on this issue — not really sure how I missed the bit about the key shortcut there. I was pretty thrown by not seeing the package listed in the menu.