
Base File.sublime-settings conflict

mattst opened this issue · 1 comments

The use of Base File.sublime-settings conflicts with both the Alignment and DocBlockr packages and probably several others.

I suspect the problem has arisen because the plugin developers misunderstood this documentation page, which is far from clear, and did not realize that Base File.sublime-settings is an example which should be replaced by Package Name.sublime-settings.

I have to use User/Base File.sublime-settings for both my Alignment and Wrap Plus settings instead of being able to use User/Alignment.sublime-settings and User/Wrap Plus.sublime-settings which is what the design for the Sublime Text settings system intended.

Hope this helps.

P.S. Thanks for the excellent plugin, v. useful.

ehuss commented

Why do you think it is a conflict? "Base File" is a global definition file, it is used on purpose. The reason for doing it this way is because it gives you the flexibility to define these settings per-syntax and per-project. If you want to define these settings globally, it probably makes more sense to put them in User/Preferences.sublime-setings. For your reference, you can put them in any of the following:

  1. User/Preferences.sublime-settings
  2. Project Settings
  3. User/<syntax>.sublime-settings
  4. User/Distraction Free.sublime-settings