
Ability to search for a specific subscription through the URL

Closed this issue · 1 comments


This is an extension of the subscription page functionality. By sending in paramater or a path id you should be able to filter out a single subscription. This does not fetch a single sub through the rest api but rather uses the search function in the data table.


This functionality is good to have for upcoming features.


The suggested url would be either /#subscriptions?search=Subscription1 or /#subscriptions/Subscription1
The second one would sort of mirror the api since by removing the hashtag(#) so that the url becomes /subscriptions/Subscription1 would actually fetch the json object directly.
It may not be possible to do this though since the routing library might interfere.
The first one makes more sense from a GUI perspective though since we aren't truly fetching just a single subscription but rather filtering the entire collection.


You can link to a specific subscription.

Possible Drawbacks

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