
Eiffel Intelligence should use HttpRequest from commons

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Eiffel Intelligence uses both a locally created HttpRequest and Spring RestOperations while there is a general HttpRequest/Executor in eiffel-community/commons.


  • Update HttpRequest in notifications package with new name since it has the same name as the HttpRequest in comons, new name could be HttpRequestBuilder or similar.
  • Ensure that it does no longer use HttpRequestSender but instead uses HttpRequest from Eiffel Commons.
  • Search all tests and look for places where tests use a local HttpRequest and executor, replace those with the HttpRequest from Eiffel Commons.
  • If needed update functionaliy if the HttpRequest in Eiffel Commons.


Use of a single HttpClient will reduce duplication of code, enable easier debuging and give us control of how the rest request is performed.


See motivation.

Possible Drawbacks


This could be a good first issue but then we need to add references to code and more details to description and examples.
