
Verify that Last-Modified/ETag support is working properly

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I implemented it today for all file transfers, but I still need to verify that it's using the correct time stamps in all situations, etc.

Huh, I hadn't heard of ETag before. I see that it's just a SHA1 hash of the Last-Modified header. Is this for "checksumming" purposes?

ETag is basically the HTTP 1.1 version of Last-Modified. It's a more granular way to check if something should be updated, and has some other features like being specified as "weak" (meaning the data only changed a little and isn't worth grabbing) and whatnot. In our case, I just implemented it to be essentially the same as Last-Modified, only because some browsers want an ETag header or I would have left it out entirely. In the future, we can evaluate how to improve the ETag to improve client side caching if possible.

There haven't been any issues with this.