
What are the masonry options properties?

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i notice in the docs it just shows transition options in the option object?

const masonryOptions = {
transitionDuration: 0

Do you guys have more options or does any thing can go inside of it.

afram commented

Hi @Code4Zelda those options should be the same as the options you'd pass into Masonry.

`export interface MasonryOptions {
columnWidth?: number | string | HTMLElement | null;
itemSelector?: string;
gutter?: number | string;
percentPosition?: boolean;
horizontalOrder?: boolean;
stamp?: string;
fitWidth?: boolean;
originLeft?: boolean;
originTop?: boolean;
containerStyle?: Object;
transitionDuration?: number | string;
resize?: boolean;
initLayout?: boolean;

export interface MasonryPropTypes {
enableResizableChildren?: boolean;
disableImagesLoaded?: boolean;
updateOnEachImageLoad?: boolean;
onImagesLoaded?: (instance: any) => void;
options?: MasonryOptions;
className?: string;
elementType?: string;
style?: Object;
onLayoutComplete?: (instance: any) => void;
onRemoveComplete?: (instance: any) => void;