
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Running private blockchain application using Hyperledger Fabric network, it is a pain when it comes to the configuration. Missing some configuration will deny the network to run. The pain of modifying the Hyperledger Fabric organization default setting. The lock into the Hyperledger fabric default two orgs and so on. If you are among those people, then welcome to Blocknet. blocknet is design to solve the above issues, and allow you to generate the Hyperledger Fabric setting.

Structure of the Project

The blocknet project is comprised with 2 type of applications. The hyperledger-fabric and hyperledger-explorer

  • hyperledger-fabric:

    It is a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network.

  • hyperledger-explorer:

    It is a web application, that shows the blockchain configuration and transactions.


  • Environment

    • Operating System : GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04
    • CPU : 4 core 3693 MHz
    • Memory : 10GB or more
  • Software packages

    The require packages to allow blocknet to successfuly install the blockchain network are described below:

    Packages Version
    docker 18.09.7
    docker-compose 1.24.1
    python 3.5+
    git 2.17.1

    In case you have issue installing those packages , no worry, blocknet can help provided that. After download the blocknet, when you execute blocknet for the first time, it will install all the missing packages, if thy are not installed.

Installation Guide

  • Download blocknet

    Download blocknet following the below command.

    ~$ sudo curl -L "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eirtdev/shell/master/blocknet" -o /usr/local/bin/blocknet && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/blocknet

    Now go ahead and run the below command and wait.

    ~$ blocknet

How it works

To be able to start with blocknet, you can decide to run it using either the configuration file or input the information about your setting manually.

  • Running blocknet with a configuration file

    To run the blocknet with the configuration file, you need to create the configuration file called network.jon. Luckly blocknet has solution for you. To create the configuration template file, run the below command.

    ~$ blocknet --init

    Once you execute the above command, a network.json file will be created in the current directory

    network.json file

      "network": {
        "name": "ExampleNetwork",
        "admin": {
          "first_name": "",
          "last_name": "",
          "login_name": "admin",
          "domain": "example.com",
          "login_password": "adminpwd"
        "channel": {
          "name": "ExampleChannel"
        "orderer": {
          "type": "etcdraft",
          "number": 5
      "chaincode": {
        "name": "example_chaincode",
        "directory": "",
        "language": "node"
      "org": [
          "name": "ORG1",
          "domain": "org1.example.com",
          "number_of_peer": 2
          "name": "ORG2",
          "domain": "org2.example.com",
          "number_of_peer": 2,
          "has_chaincode": true
      "explorer": {
        "install": false
    • network object

      Keys Description Mandatory Default
      name The name of the blokchain network True Nil
    • admin object

      Keys Description Mandatory Default
      first_name The first name of the blokchain admin network False Nil
      last_name The last name of the blockchain admin network False Nil
      login_name The login name of the blokchain admin network True admin
      login_password The password of the blockchain admin network True adminpw
      domain The domain name of the blokchain admin network True Nil
    • channel object

      Keys Description Mandatory Default
      name The initial channel name of the blokchain network True Nil
    • order object

      Keys Description Mandatory Default
      type The orderer type True etcdraft
      number The total number of the orderer True 5
    • chaincode object

      Keys Description Mandatory Default
      name The chaincode name. This need to be the directory that has the chaincode True Nil
      directory The absolute directory path to the chaincode name True Nil
      language The support chaincode programming language True Nil


      The below directory tree, listed all the directories listening in your chaincode directory showing below.

      ├── home            
      |   ├── chaincode
      │   |    ├── car
      │   │    |     └── node

      Follow the above directory tree, the chaincode information will be as showing below

      Keys Value
      name car
      directory /home/chaincode
      language node
    • org object

      Keys Description Mandatory Default
      name The Organization name True Nil
      domain The domain name of the organization True Nil
      number_of_peer The total number of the peers to use. minimum should be 2. True 0
      has_chaincode Inform the blocknet whether the above chaincode will be installed on this organization True Nil
    • explorer object

      Keys Description Mandatory Default
      install Evaluate whether to install the Hyperledger explorer or not True Nil
  • Running blocknet with Interractive configuration

    Running the blocknet in interractive mode, require you to run the blocknet script without arguments as showing below.

    ~$ blocknet
      # SECTION: Network Admin
      First name: Jhon
      Last name: Wick
      Domain: example.com
      Login name [admin]: 
      Login password [adminpw]: 
      Organization name [EXAMPLE]: WickLimited
      Email address [admin@example.com]: 
      #  SECTION: Network
      Name [ExampleNetwork]: 
      Select Network version ['V1_4_4', 'V1_4_2', 'V1_3', 'V1_2', 'V1_1'] [V1_4_4]: 
      #  SECTION: Consurtium
      Channel Name [WicklimitedChannel]: 
      #   SECTION: Orderer
      #   - This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
      #   genesis block for orderer related parameters
      Network Orderer name [Orderer]: 
      Type ['etcdraft', 'solo', 'kafka'] [etcdraft]: 
      Total Number of Orderer [5]: 
      BatchTimeout [2]: 
      MaxMessageCount [10]: 
      AbsoluteMaxBytes [99 MB]: 
      PreferredMaxBytes [512 KB]: 
      #  SECTION: Organizations
      How many organizations do you want to create? [2]:  
              Org 1 
                      Name: ORG1
                      Domain [org1.com]: 
                      MSPDIR [org1.com]: 
                      Number of peers [2]: 
              Org 2 
                      Name: ORG2
                      Domain [org2.com]: 
                      MSPDIR [org2.com]: 
                      Number of peers [2]: 
      #  SECTION: ChainCode
      Do you want to generate a chaincode? ['YES', 'NO'] [YES]: 
      Name: authentication
      Language ['go', 'node', 'java'] [go]: 2
      Directory (Use the absolute path): ~/path_to_the_chaincode
      Do you want to run this chaincode for organization 'ORG1'  ['YES', 'NO', 'N', 'Y', 'TRUE', 'FALSE']:n
      Do you want to run this chaincode for organization 'ORG2'  ['YES', 'NO', 'N', 'Y', 'TRUE', 'FALSE']:y
      [sudo] password for blackcreek: 
      #   SECTION: Composer Explorer
      #   - This section will create a Hyperledger Explorer UI to view the blockchain
      #     transaction and configuration.
      Do you want to install Hyperledger composer? ['YES', 'NO', 'N', 'Y', 'TRUE', 'FALSE']:n

Other command line options

options Description
--version Display the current blocknet version