
Tables in sfnt and the additional tables

eisoch opened this issue · 1 comments

Table WOFF2 Usage Def.
acnt 0x26 AAT Accent Attachment Table
ankr AAT Anchor Point Table
avar 0x27 OT;AAT Axis Variations Table
BASE 0x19 OT Baseline Table
bdat 0x28 AAT Bitmap Data Table
BDF FF BDF Properties Table
bhed AAT Bitmap Font Header Table
bloc 0x29 AAT Bitmap Location Table
bsln 0x2A AAT Baseline Table
CBDT 0x20 OT Color Bitmap Data Table
CBLC 0x21 OT Color Bitmap Location Table
CFF 0x0D OT Compact Font Format Table
CFF2 OT Compact Font Format Table Version 2
cmap 0x00 OT;TT;AAT Character to Glyph Index Mapping Table
COLR 0x22 OT Color Table
CPAL 0x23 OT Color Palette Table
cvar 0x2B OT;AAT CVT Variations Table
cvt 0x08 OT;TT;AAT Control Value Table
DSIG OT Digital Signature Table
EBDT 0x0F OT Embedded Bitmap Data Table
EBLC 0x10 OT Embedded Bitmap Location Table
EBSC 0x1D OT;AAT Embedded Bitmap Scaling Table
EISO EC Extended Information Show Optional Table
fdsc 0x2C AAT Font Descriptor Table
Feat 0x3D GTF Glyph Feature Table (?)
feat 0x2D AAT Layout Feature Table
FFTM FF FontForge Time Stamp Table
fmtx 0x2E AAT Font Metrics Table
fond AAT Font Family Compatibility Table
fpgm 0x09 OT;TT;AAT Font Program Table
fvar 0x2F OT;AAT Font Variations Table
gasp 0x11 OT;AAT Grid-fitting and Scan-conversion Procedure Table
gcid AAT Glyphs to CIDs Mapping Table (?)
GDEF 0x1A OT Glyph Definition Table
Glat 0x3B GTF Glyph Attributes Table (?)
Gloc 0x3C GTF Glyph Attributes Location Table (?)
glyf 0x0A OT;TT;AAT Glyph Data Table
GPOS 0x1B OT Glyph Positioning Table
GSUB 0x1C OT Glyph Substitution Table
gvar 0x30 OT;AAT Glyph Variations Table
hdmx 0x12 OT;TT;AAT Horizontal Device Metrics Table
head 0x01 OT;TT;AAT Font Header Table
hhea 0x02 OT;TT;AAT Horizontal Header Table
hmtx 0x03 OT;TT;AAT Horizontal Metrics Table
hsty 0x31 Ob Horizontal Style Table
HVAR OT Horizontal Metrics Variations Table
IRGS EC Ideographic Research Group Source Table
JSTF 0x1E OT Justification Table
just 0x32 AAT Justification Table
kern 0x13 OT;TT;AAT Kerning Table
kerx AAT Extended Kerning Table
lcar 0x33 AAT Ligature Caret Table
LINO LT Linotype Table
loca 0x0B OT;TT;AAT Index to Location Table
ltag AAT Language Tag Table
LTSH 0x14 OT;TT Linear Threshold
MATH 0x1F OT Mathematical Typesetting Table
maxp 0x04 OT;TT;AAT Maximum Profile Table
MERG OT Merge Table
meta OT;AAT Metadata Table
mort 0x34 AAT Metamorphosis Table
morx 0x35 AAT Extended Metamorphosis Table
MVAR OT Metrics Variations Table
name 0x05 OT;TT;AAT Naming Table
opbd 0x36 AAT Optical Bounds Table
OS/2 0x06 OT;TT;AAT OS/2 and Windows Metrics Table
PCLT 0x15 OT;TT PCL 5 Table
PfEd FF FontForge Extensions Table
post 0x07 OT;TT;AAT PostScript Table
prep 0x0C OT;TT;AAT Control Value Program
prop 0x37 AAT Glyph Properties Table
sbix 0x25 OT;AAT Standard Bitmap Graphics Table
scln EC Second Central Line Table
Sild GTF unknown
Sile GTF unknown
Silf 0x3A GTF unknown
Sill 0x3E GTF ISO 639-3 Mapping Table
Silt GTF unknown
STAT OT Style Attributes Table
SVG 0x24 OT Scalable Vector Graphics Table
TeX FF TeX Metrics Table
trak 0x38 AAT Tracking Table
VDMX 0x16 OT;TT Vertical Device Metrics
vhea 0x17 OT;AAT Vertical Header Table
vmtx 0x18 OT;AAT Vertical Metrics Table
VORG 0x0E OT Vertical Origin Table
VVAR OT Vertical Metrics Variations Table
xref AAT Cross-reference Table
Zapf 0x39 AAT Glyph Reference Table

OT means OpenType or OFF, TT means TrueType, AAT means Apple Advanced Typography. But, GTF means the additional Graphite tables used by SIL, FF means the additional tables used by FontForge, EC means the additional tables used by myself, LT means the additional tables used by LinoType. The details or spec. of EC tables and LT tables have not been released.