[] 942/942warning " > marionette.templatecache@1.0.0" has incorrect peer dependency "backbone@~1.3.3".
ZzeMR opened this issue · 0 comments
ZzeMR commented
I used Alpine 3.18 default container image from Proxmox VE8.0.4 to set up my container
I then run the setup script:
wget --no-cache -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ej52/proxmox/main/lxc/nginx-proxy-manager/setup.sh | sh
Describe the bug
System info:
- Proxmox Version: [8.0.4]
- Alpine Version: [e.g. 3.18]
I've got this error:
[success] Checking for latest openresty repository
[success] Updating container OS
[success] Installing dependencies
[success] Setting up python
[success] Checking for latest NPM release
[success] Downloading NPM v2.10.4
[success] Setting up enviroment
[error] Building frontend
/tmp/npm_install.sh: line 180: yarn install
205: yarn install
[] 942/942warning " > marionette.templatecache@1.0.0" has incorrect peer dependency "backbone@~1.3.3".
" > marionette.templatecache@1.0.0" has incorrect peer dependency "underscore@~1.8.3".
"marionette.templatecache > backbone.marionette@4.0.0-beta.1" has incorrect peer dependency "backbone@~1.3.3".
"marionette.templatecache > backbone.marionette@4.0.0-beta.1" has incorrect peer dependency "underscore@>= 1.8.3 <= 1.9.x".
"tabler-ui > bootstrap@4.5.1" has unmet peer dependency "popper.js@^1.16.1".
Command failed.
node scripts/build.js
/usr/bin/node /tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js rebuild --verbose --libsass_ext= --libsass_cflags= --libsass_ldflags= --libsass_library=
info it worked if it ends with ok
verb cli [
verb cli '/usr/bin/node',
verb cli '/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js',
verb cli 'rebuild',
verb cli '--verbose',
verb cli '--libsass_ext=',
verb cli '--libsass_cflags=',
verb cli '--libsass_ldflags=',
verb cli '--libsass_library='
verb cli ]
info using node-gyp@7.1.2
info using node@18.18.2 | linux | x64
verb command rebuild []
verb command clean []
verb clean removing "build" directory
verb command configure []
verb find Python Python is not set from command line or npm configuration
verb find Python Python is not set from environment variable PYTHON
verb find Python checking if "python3" can be used
verb find Python - executing "python3" to get executable path
verb find Python - executable path is "/usr/bin/python3"
verb find Python - executing "/usr/bin/python3" to get version
verb find Python - version is "3.11.6"
info find Python using Python version 3.11.6 found at "/usr/bin/python3"
verb command install [ '18.18.2' ]
verb install input version string "18.18.2"
verb install --ensure was passed, so won't reinstall if already installed
verb install version is already installed, need to check "installVersion"
verb got "installVersion" 9
verb needs "installVersion" 9
verb install version is good
verb build dir "build" dir needed to be created? /tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-sass/build
verb build/config.gypi creating config file
Setting process.config is deprecated. In the future the property will be read-only.
`node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
verb gyp gyp format was not specified; forcing "make"
info spawn /usr/bin/python3
info spawn args [
info spawn args '/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/gyp_main.py',
info spawn args 'binding.gyp',
info spawn args '-f',
info spawn args 'make',
info spawn args '-I',
info spawn args '/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-sass/build/config.gypi',
info spawn args '-I',
info spawn args '/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/addon.gypi',
info spawn args '-I',
info spawn args '/root/.cache/node-gyp/18.18.2/include/node/common.gypi',
info spawn args '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
info spawn args '-Dvisibility=default',
info spawn args '-Dnode_root_dir=/root/.cache/node-gyp/18.18.2',
info spawn args '-Dnode_gyp_dir=/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp',
info spawn args '-Dnode_lib_file=/root/.cache/node-gyp/18.18.2/<(target_arch)/node.lib',
info spawn args '-Dmodule_root_dir=/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-sass',
info spawn args '-Dnode_engine=v8',
info spawn args '--depth=.',
info spawn args '--no-parallel',
info spawn args '--generator-output',
info spawn args 'build',
info spawn args '-Goutput_dir=.'
info spawn args ]
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/gyp_main.py", line 51, in <module>
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/__init__.py", line 670, in script_main
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/__init__.py", line 662, in main
return gyp_main(args)
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/__init__.py", line 629, in gyp_main
[generator, flat_list, targets, data] = Load(
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/__init__.py", line 150, in Load
result = gyp.input.Load(
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/input.py", line 3021, in Load
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/input.py", line 411, in LoadTargetBuildFile
build_file_data = LoadOneBuildFile(
File "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/input.py", line 239, in LoadOneBuildFile
build_file_contents = open(build_file_path, "rU").read()
'rU' while trying to load binding.gyp
ERR! configure error
ERR! System Linux 6.2.16-19-pve
ERR! command "/usr/bin/node" "/tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild" "--verbose" "--libsass_ext=" "--libsass_cflags=" "--libsass_ldflags=" "--libsass_library="
ERR! cwd /tmp/tmp.GAJdBG/nginx-proxy-manager-2.10.4/frontend/node_modules/node-sass
ERR! node -v v18.18.2
ERR! node-gyp -v v7.1.2
ERR! not ok
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.