
Ends at missing python

pierretu opened this issue · 9 comments

sh -c "$(wget --no-cache -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ej52/proxmox/main/install.sh)" -s --app nginx-proxy-manager

Describe the bug
Errors and quits the installer when checking for python.
Python3 and python3-pip is installed.

✔ Operating System Updated
✔ Dependencies Installed
✔ Rust v1.74.0 Installed
✘ Python not Installed
E: Sub-process /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook returned an error code (1)
E: Failure running script /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook

[ERROR] on line 99 with exit code 100 while executing command pkg_del

System info:

  • Proxmox Version: 8.1.4
  • Alpine Version: 3.18

Hi is this Inside a CT ? A new install and Template this:



Never seen this before --> E: Failure running script /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook
This is more a indicator of an Bad upgrade


This error comes both from shell and ssh when trying to use the script to install NPM.
So it does not even let me start an CT...

Just that we are on the same page, the command above is for execution in a existing Container (CT) or existing Virtual Machine.
This means you always can connect via shh or use the GUI in Proxmox to jump in a Terminal Session.

For me it sounds like you started this from the Proxmox Host ?

This is from the Proxmox Host, not inside the CT.
Last time I used it, it worked directly from the host.

I think I now see my own error :P
The script I should have run is:
bash -c "$(wget --no-cache -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ej52/proxmox/main/create.sh)" -s --app nginx-proxy-manager

exactly ;D

Gives the same error when trying to update.

If this is really the case then you stuck here:

  # Remove potential conflicting depenedencies
  pkg_del *3-pip *3-cffi *3-cryptography *3-tldextract *3-distutils *3-venv

Then the System will execute this function from alpine.sh:

pkg_del() {
  apk del -q --purge $@ >$__OUTPUT

Do to the Nature of >$__OUTPUT the Output goes /dev/null ... not helpfull for you but at least we know know how to check this

connect to the already created Container and execute this command:

apk del --purge *3-pip *3-cffi *3-cryptography *3-tldextract *3-distutils *3-venv

let`s see your output

I fixed all the errors in my repo and made a pull request until its accepted you can use my repo.

This is for install on alpine, ubuntu or debian. ct, vm BareMetal. not though Proxmox.
If the Proxmox script isn't working right either I can fix that one to. It's the same error minus the pve hooks, that's why i didn't notice you were using the Proxmox host one. I just noticed the ✘ Python not Installed error like i was getting.