
.nam to .nam.stripe conversion failure

rlnilsen opened this issue · 2 comments

A .nam file containing 0xd,0xa will mess up the conversion to .nam.stripe. The issue can be fixed by adding -v BINMODE=3 to the relevant awk command in Makefile. This probably also applies to the reverse conversion.

This was on Win10 x64 1909, set up as instructed under "How to build" in README.md.

I also created PR #17 for this issue, mostly for my own learning experience. You can use it if you want.

Fixed by #17.

I'm a bit surprised I've not had any other interpreted-as-text Windows issues. Thanks for tracking down the issue and fixing. I know they can be annoying to debug, especially with how much scripting this project uses.

It was an insignificant use of time compared to what is saved by this framework for creating Tetris mods. Thank you!