AI Enterprise Workflow - Capstone Project Submission

Capstone project submission for the IBM AI Enterprise Workflow course on Coursera.


Start application.


Test application.


Predict future revenue (default is total revenue for next 30 days; add country parameter to get revenue for specific country).

curl --request POST ''

Build image.

docker build -t app .

Run image.

docker run \
    -it \
    --rm \
    -p 3000:80 \
    --name app \


  • POST /predict?date={date}&duration={duration}&country={country}
  • POST /logs?type={type}

Marking Criteria

  • Are there unit tests for the API?
    Yes, see tests/
  • Are there unit tests for the model?
    Yes, see tests/
  • Are there unit tests for the logging?
    Yes, see tests/
  • Can all of the unit tests be run with a single script and do all of the unit tests pass?
    Yes, run python
  • Is there a mechanism to monitor performance?
    Yes, see src/ which contains a function to compute the Wasserstein distance metric.
  • Was there an attempt to isolate the read/write unit tests from production models and logs?
    Yes, see src/
  • Does the API work as expected? For example, can you get predictions for a specific country as well as for all countries combined?
    Yes, use curl --request POST '' or curl --request POST ''
  • Does the data ingestion exists as a function or script to facilitate automation?
    Yes, see src/
  • Were multiple models compared?
    Yes, an ARIMA and SARIMA model were compared. Model comparisons are in nb/results.ipynb.
  • Did the EDA investigation use visualizations?
    Yes, see nb/analysis.ipynb which includes time-series, seasonal-trend decomposition, auto-correlation and partial auto-correlation plots.
  • Is everything containerized within a working Docker image?
    Yes, see Dockerfile.
  • Did they use a visualization to compare their model to the baseline model?
    Yes, see nb/results.ipynb where the ARIMA and SARIMA model results are compared to the actual revenue.