
Console commands not registered in Symfony 4

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I can't register deployments in a new Symfony 4 app because the commands are not being registered.

To reproduce:

$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton ekino-example
$ cd ekino-example
$ composer require ekino/newrelic-bundle

# then prompted for recipe/flex - select default (n)

Update config/bundles.php:

return [
    Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Ekino\Bundle\NewRelicBundle\EkinoNewRelicBundle::class => ['all' => true],

List console commands:

$ php bin/console list

No commands for newrelic registered.

Add config:

$ vi config/ekino.yaml

Add the following:

    enabled: true                         # Defaults to true
    application_name: Awesome Application # default value in newrelic is "PHP Application", or whatever is set
                                          # as php ini-value
    deployment_names: ~                   # default value is 'application_name', supports string array or semi-colon separated string
    api_key: XXX                          # New Relic API

List console commands:

$ php bin/console list

No commands for newrelic registered.

Then I tried again using the flex recipe:

$ cd ../
$ rm -rf ekino-example
$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton ekino-example
$ cd ekino-example
$ composer require ekino/newrelic-bundle

# then prompted for recipe/flex - select Y

The recipe adds config for prod only but the same result whether I run in a prod environment or I update bundles to register it in all environments and move the config yaml file into the root level of the config directory.

I am investigating why this is but in case you don't know already, or know where I should start to look, I'm adding this issue.

I am seeing the services registered in the container when I run php bin/console debug:container --show-private

Thanks Tobias - have forked master which seems promising in dev. will give it a whirl in staging.