
Using twig 2.7 causes a notice

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Due to security reasons I've updated twig to version 2.7, since then I'm getting this notice caused by the twig extension of this bundle:
Noticed exception 'Ekino\NewRelicBundle\Exception\DeprecationException' with message 'Using the "Twig_Extension" class is deprecated since Twig version 2.7, use "Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension" instead.' in /home/public_html/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension.php:7

I think the problem is the twig extension of the bundle extend \Twig_Extension instead of AbstractExtension. It would be nice to update to twig 2.7 since 2.6 has some security issues

Sounds like an excellent idea. Could you send a PR?