
Configuration to change the API endpoint for newrelic:notify-deployment

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In a current project I switched a Symfony application that is also using this bundle to an AWS instance. With this migration to a new "server", a new New Relic account and new Apps were created in New Relic. While the communication for the metrics of the server is working, the command newrelic:notify-deployment does not work and returns the error message

Deployment not recorded to 'myappname': Received HTTP status 422

but "myappname" exists and shows collected metrics. During my research, I found the reason why this command does not work with the help of a REST API tester. The problem was the domain name of the hardcoded API endpoint in the command: https://github.com/ekino/EkinoNewRelicBundle/blob/master/Command/NotifyDeploymentCommand.php#L119.

While api.newrelic.com did not work and resulted in the mentioned error message, api.eu.newrelic.com, which is used by the new New Relic instance, worked fine and set a deployment flag successfully.

My approach would be to add a new optional configuration to the EkinoNewRelicBundle that makes the API endpoint configurable.

ℹ️ Closed by #246

I agree.