
[FEATURE REQUEST] Import / export, or a CLI interface?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Are there any plans to support backing up the stored tokens in a reproducible way? (or was there something that already exists that I've missed 👀).

I would imagine traditional "backups" could be a bit too much to worry about, so another possibility is adding a CLI that could add/remove tokens and folders, so that it's still possible to get up and running quickly.

What I would imagine is something similar to:

# Create new token for user `kanielrkirby` in folder `my-folder` with secret as first argument.
tlock create "kanielrkirby/my-folder/my-token" "$SECRET" -p "$PASSWORD";

# Open a new YAML buffer to edit each field, or open up in the TUI.
tlock edit "kanielrkirby/my-folder/my-token" -p "$PASSWORD";

# Set the `length` field to 8.
tlock edit "kanielrkirby/my-folder/my-token" --length 8 -p "$PASSWORD";

# Remove the token.
tlock delete "kanielrkirby/my-folder/my-token" -p "$PASSWORD";

I am indeed planning to add support for import / export and cli interface!
Probably by the second week of next month :)

Alrighty, sounds great! If you need or want any help, just let me know, happy to contribute to awesome software!