A spec file for Bitcoin Core. The work here is based on the spec file in the Bitcoin contrib directory. The main difference between this spec and the one in contrib is that this version is less heavily modified, e.g. it doesn't install SELinux rules or try to create system directories.

I have created a COPR called eklitzke/bitcoin, with pre-built RPM packages built from this spec file. I would recommend using the packages built there, unless you would like to actually modify the spec file. To enable the COPR:

$ sudo dnf copr enable eklitzke/bitcoin

Afterwards you should install the bitcoin-qt for the graphical program, or bitcoind for the daemon/command line interface.

If you choose to use bitcoind, note that by default it sets up a system-wide installation with the following characteristics:

  • A bitcoin user/group is created
  • A systemd service called bitcoind.service becomes available
  • The service is configured to read its config from /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
  • The service is configured to use /var/lib/bitcoin as its datadir

If you would like to use bitcoin-cli as another user (say, your own user) you need to create RPC credentials using a provided script. To run the script for an RPC user named alice you run:

# Create RPC credentials for alice
$ python /usr/share/bitcoin/rpcuser.py alice

This will print out an rpcauth=... line, which you should add to /etc/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf. It will also print out a password. Use this password to create a file named ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf with your credentials:

$ mkdir -m 700 ~/.bitcoin
$ cat <<EOF > ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

If everything worked correctly, once you start the service (systemctl start bitcoind) you should be able to run commands like bitcoin-cli uptime without error. If you're bootstrapping the node, you may find the following command helpful to check its progress (as a value from 0 to 1):

# Check progress of initial blockchain sync.
$ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo | jq .verificationprogress -