Date is not updating?
waleed-GRT opened this issue · 2 comments
waleed-GRT commented
When using the "Eloquent-IFRS" package to handle CashPurchase transactions, there seems to be a problem with date handling when we create a record, the date is not being updated correctly. Instead, it always shows today's date.
$cashPurchase = CashPurchase::create([
'account_id' => $this->data['bank_account_id'],
'date' => Carbon::create($this->data['date']),
'narration' => $this->data['detail'],
$cashPurchaseLineItem = LineItem::create([
'account_id' => $this->data['expense_account_id'],
'description' => $this->data['detail'],
'amount' => $this->data['amount'],
Your assistance in addressing this issue would be greatly appreciated.
ekmungai commented
Hi Waleed,
The field should be transaction_date
waleed-GRT commented