
Moddable racial traits

ekolis opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the feature you'd like to see
Racial traits should be defined in a mod file like components are - ideally using abilities like in FrEee,
but they could always just be hardcoded effects with moddable amounts.

More flexibility for modders; we can add new racial traits without requiring players to use them in their games.

Describe alternatives

Additional context

Would this be the "total package" of abilities, or mix-and-match? Races in Stars change a LOT of things. Racial traits set your population caps, and many of them give you unique powers that aren't tech.

Several techs
doubled max population growth
half pop cap

Super Stealth:
base cloaking for your ships is 75%
several stealth techs
can exceed safe minefield travel limit by one

War Monger:
ground combat offense bonus
ships faster in combat
weapons 25% cheaper to build
several starting tech levels
only base planetary defenses
no mine fields

Claim adjuster:
start with biotech 6
orbital terraforming tech
free automatic terraforming
planets you control have a chance of having their base stats improved each turn

Inner Strength
ground combat defense bonus
bonus ship repair
several special techs
no smart bombs
Planetary defenses are 40% less, weapons 25% more
population can reproduce in ships

Space Demolition
special minelaying techs.
mines scan enemy ships
can issue a detonate order to minefields
can exceed safe minefield travel limit by two
start with two mine layers
start with tech 2 Propulsion and Biotech

Packet Physics
start with tech 4 energy
starting starbase has a mass driver
special mass-driver techs
can fling smaller packets
packets act as penetrating scanners
uncaught packets have a chance to terraform

Inter-stellar Traveler
start with tech 5 in propulsion and construction
start with two planets
starting planet/s have a stargate
special stargate techs
stargates are 25% cheaper
can scan enemy planets that have stargates that are in gate range
overloading gates is less likely to destroy your ships

Alternate reality
your people live in starbases and not on planets, population cap is based on starbase size, pop dies if starbase explodes
cannot build planetary installations of any kind, starbases have inherent scan radius
starbases are 20% cheaper
can remote mine controlled worlds
can build Death Stars

Jack of all Trades
Start with tech 3 in all fields
planetary pop is 20% higher

Alternate reality mostly needs to go as one unit since several are inter-related, but you get the idea. So racial abilities are not part of the tech they build.

Oh wow. I forgot how complex racial traits are in stars. Yeah this would definitely be mix and match then. Pick whatever abilities you want for your custom trait and assign them the values you need.

Mix and match on the mod data files side that is. I'm not saying we should let players pick individual race trait abilities.