
Recent Feature Requests: vdesk as comprehensive Windows 10 desktop management utility

antonyupward opened this issue ยท 0 comments

First, thanks @eksime for the wonderfully useful vdesk... v1.2.0 is very useful. Appreciate your efforts to write and share this with us ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

So, I hope @eksime you will forgive my extremely cheeky and outrageously expansive feature request suggestions in issues 74, 76 and 77.

I have no idea if these are even technically feasible.

But, in the very small chance that this type of expansion of vdesk into a comprehensive windows 10 desktop management utility excites you into action, and you have the possibility to continue to develop vdesk, I thought it might be helpful to attempt the revised usage part for the new ReadME.md file assuming all the requested features are implemented. See below.

Probably I'm dreaming in technicolour ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thanks again @eskim...

Warm wishes...

New Proposed Usage

vdesk create[:m] [setname:newdesktopname [<, newdesktopname2>]] //Create m new desktops with names "Desktop x"

vdesk createnew:n|newdesktopname] //Create new desktop number n, or new desktop named newdesktop.  If desktops between last current desktop and the nth desktop, don't exist, the additional  desktops will also be created with names "Desktop x"

vdesk [on:{n|desktopname}] [noswitch:{true|false}] [setname:newdesktopname] <run:command> [args] //In addition to existing functionality, now optionally vdesk can set a new for a new desktop created when a new command is run, or rename the desktop if it already exists

vdesk changename:<n|desktopname> <newdesktopname> //Change desktop n, or desktop whose name is desktopname, to newdesktopname

vdesk close:n|desktopname [allto:othern|otherdesktopname] // close either: desktop number n, or the desktop named desktopname.  All windows on the closed desktop are moved to desktop 1.  If "allto" is specified all open windows on desktopname will be moved to desktop othern (the nth desktop *before* the the desktop is closed), or desktop whose label is otherdesktopname.  If desktop n or otherdesktopname don't exist it will be created.  If desktops between last current desktop and the nth desktop, don't exist, the additional desktops will  be created with names "Desktop x"

vdesk move:partialwindowtitle from:n|desktopname to:othern|otherdesktopname|newdesktopname // move the window whose title partially or completlete matches the string partialwindotitle from either, desktop number n, or the desktop named desktopname, to desktop number othern, or the desktop named otherdesktopname.  If the to specified desktop n or the desktop name provided (aka newdesktopname) doesn't exist it will be created.  If the to specified is a number n, and desktops between last current desktop and the nth desktop, don't exist, the missing desktops will also be created with names "Desktop x" 


m: a number of desktops

n or othern: a desktop number, the nth desktop, a sequence number based on the order in which the desktops were or will be created.  

desktopname or otherdesktopname: a string enclosed in quotation marks of the label of an existing desktop.  (Likely a length limit and  valid character constraints]

newdesktopname: a string enclosed in quotation marks of the new label for an existing desktop, or of a new label for a new desktop 

Return Codes
vdesk will return the following codes as the result of being invoked to the calling cmd.exe or powershell.exe batch file/script:

1: invocation completed successfully / requested action completed

-1 <error msg>: invocation didn't complete / requested action failed.  The reason for the failure is specified in <msg>