
ARM64 build for Alpine?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

bfren commented

On the install page you list support for Alpine on x64, and ARM64 - but not both together. Is it possible to create a build for linux-musl-arm64?

At the moment I'm getting this:

System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Could not initialize platform-specific components. libsodium-core may not be supported on this platform. See https://github.com/ektrah/libsodium-core/blob/master/INSTALL.md for more information.

I've tried building my app with linux-musl-arm64 as the target runtime, but no luck.

linux-musl-arm64 is indeed not supported at this time as the libsodium NuGet package currently doesn't ship with a pre-compiled binary for this platform. It's possible to add such a binary, which would need to happen in the libsodium repository (namely in the GitHub Action that creates the package). I guess a pull request would be welcome.

bfren commented

Thanks, I'd love to do a PR but have no knowledge on C build processes!

Let's use jedisct1/libsodium#1173 to track this issue.