
Is it a BUG when applying delays to t_onePulse in FMCW_simulation.m?

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Hi. It is a great project. I had learned many things from this project. But I have some question with FMCW_simulation.m Line 130:
phase_1 = phase(t_onePulse-delays_tar1{i,j}(k*numADC),fc); % received
Because the Matlab broadcase mechanism it will apply a single delay value delays_tar1{i,j}(k*numADC) to t_onePulse. I think it should be something like this:
phase_1 = phase(t_onePulse-delays_tar1{i,j}((k-1)*numADC+1 : k*numADC)',fc); % received
I had tried to change this line. It seemed everything was OK.

Please verify is it a BUG or not. Thanks!

Hi @yt7589 ,

Thank you for reaching out. In FMCW theory, it is assumed that the target position remains constant during fast-time (in a chirp). Therefore, the delay shouldn't change. I hope this helps.

I see. Thanks!