ImageWidgetCrop module

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Provides an interface for using the features of the Crop API. Module is still under heavy development.


  • Create a Crop Type (admin/structure/crop)
  • Create an ImageStyle
    • add one ImageWidget Manual crop effect, using your Crop Type (to apply your crop selection).
  • Create an Image field.
  • In its form display, at admin/structure/types/manage/page/form-display:
    • set the widget for your field to Image Widget crop
    • at select your image style in the Crop settings list. You can configure the widget to create different crops on each ImageStyle. For example, if you have an editorial site, you need to display an image on different places. With this option, you can set an optimal crop zone for each of the image styles applied to the image
  • Set the display formatter Image and choose your image style.
  • Go add an image with your widget and crop your picture.