
Weird reflection

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Clexus commented

Weird reflection of projectile when aim at a block
Will also reflect when hit an entity
I have set ignore_block to true
Is there any reflection settings


Spells can be configured to reflect off of things. What spell is this?

Clexus commented

Spells can be configured to reflect off of things. What spell is this?

the spell created by me, no reflect option

Clexus commented
    - class: CheckEntity
      allowed_entities: player
      - class: Command
        op: true
        command: freeze @t 20
    - class: CustomProjectile
      hitbox_size: 0.5
      speed: 50
      ignore_blocks: true
      entity_hit_count: 8
      - class: Velocity
        push: 0.03
      - class: Damage
        damage: 300
        magic_damage: false
        no_damage_ticks: 0
      - class: Damage
        damage: 20
        damage_type: OUT_OF_WORLD
        no_damage_ticks: 0
    - location: origin
      sound: laser.shoot2
      sound_volume: 2
    - location: target
        class: Trace
        particle: dragon_breath
        duration: 600
        iterations: 1
    damage_multiplier: 1.5
    target: other

as you can see, i even set the ignore_blocks to true
The closer I am to the wall, the more significant the deviation of the bullet becomes

Clexus commented

I'm wondering if there is any further help I can get

I have not been able to try out your spell, but I thought with ignore_blocks: true in there it should just be passing straight through those blocks ... reflecting off entities isn't even something I have implemented so I'm really not sure what's going on.

I will test it out next time I'm in game (which is really not often anymore) but unfortunately I'm not expecting to be able to reproduce this.

I assume you have not set any strange WorldGuard flags (such as reflective) or customized any material lists like passthrough or transparent?

Clexus commented

I have not been able to try out your spell, but I thought with ignore_blocks: true in there it should just be passing straight through those blocks ... reflecting off entities isn't even something I have implemented so I'm really not sure what's going on.

I will test it out next time I'm in game (which is really not often anymore) but unfortunately I'm not expecting to be able to reproduce this.

I assume you have not set any strange WorldGuard flags (such as reflective) or customized any material lists like passthrough or transparent?

All the configs are default and i don't have worldguard, the projectile just reflect on the entities or the blocks even if ignore_blocks and ignore_entity are all true