Problems with progress and draggable elements
vhanadium opened this issue · 4 comments
Your method render draggable true element not draggable and progress bar impossible to modify with css.
Had to fix by modifying the first line like this for the moment:
*:where(:not(iframe,canvas,img,svg,video,progress):not(svg *,symbol *)){all:unset;display:revert}
I'm on Safari but the problems was tested with Firefox and Chrome too
For Safari you have to revert -webkit-user-drag so let's assume you have to revert user-drag too.
using [draggable=true] {-webkit-user-drag: element;} not sure on the user-drag usage at the moment
(not tested on chrome and firefox and every element I want to be draggable are draggable="true" of course)
sorry for my poor English.
The main idea of this new CSS reset is to reset the basic style of the browser. From my perspective, the reset of progress is fOK; you need to define its size styles.
For example: if you add:
progress {width:100px; height:20px;}
And then, you will see the progress bar.
For the draggable part, I add this fix in the new version :-) (1.4.4)
The problem on resetting the progress render css such as this not functional on my project will dig it more if I have the time:
input[type="file"] ~ ul li progress {
width: 100%;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
border: none;
input[type="file"] ~ ul li progress::-webkit-progress-bar {
background-color: var(--gris);
border-radius: var(--radius);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li progress::-moz-progress-bar {
border-radius: var(--radius);
background-color: var(--couleur);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li progress::-webkit-progress-value {
border-radius: var(--radius);
background-color: var(--couleur);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li.fin span {
color: var(--vert);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li.fin progress::-moz-progress-bar {
background-color: var(--vert);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li.fin progress::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--vert);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li.erreur span {
color: var(--rouge);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li.erreur progress::-moz-progress-bar {
background-color: var(--rouge);
input[type="file"] ~ ul li.erreur progress::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--rouge);
@vhanadium can you please add example, that I will understand what you mean by that :-)
it seems to work but wasn't before Monterey. like I said will have more test to do on my part.